OJERAS Se ha hablado mucho sobre las ojeras, y poco resultados se ve cuando no se aborda de manera adecuada. Hay distintos tipos de factores que ocasionan la ojera y para...
Los mejores activos cosméticos para el verano Con la llegada del verano las necesidades de nuestra piel cambian. Durante los meses de calor debemos dar mucha protección durante el día y repararla durante la noche. Acertarás con la...
Creams with liposomes: their main benefits for the skin You may have heard of creams with liposomes but you may not be very clear about what liposomes are and what they are for in cosmetics. And it is that...
How to put together your skincare routine? Knowing how skincare products work together and the order in which to use them is incredibly important when developing a routine for optimal results. We will guide you through this...